Esther Weiss
Esther lives with her husband Viktor and four lively children near beautiful Okanagan Lake in West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
She is a born-again child of God who loves working with children and teaching them God’s Word. She also supports her husband in his ministry as a pastor of their local Baptist church. In her free time, Esther plays her harp and loves to sing.
After completing her music and education degree, Esther worked as a teacher at various elementary schools for 15 years. Now, after her fourth maternity leave, she is concentrating on writing the books in this series.
It is very important to Esther that these books reach many children, touching their hearts and helping them to believe in God and strengthen their faith in Him.
Guard Your Heart
Several years ago, God planted the idea in my heart to write children’s books. But I doubted whether I understood it correctly. After all, I was a mother and teacher, not an author.
In trying to find children’s books for my kiddos that taught values through the biblical lens, I was unsuccessful. Then I began to take the idea of writing a series of children’s books more seriously. My husband and I prayed and were fascinated with how the project gradually took shape into an ever-growing endeavor: a topical, hands-on series for children age six and older under the name Guard Your Heart.
At the start, we had no idea how much work was ahead of us. But God put the right people with amazing talents in our path at exactly the right time. To God be the glory for being such an awesome provider! We are infinitely grateful to Him.
Yet, we are still far from the end of this wondrous journey, with a lot of work yet to do. We would like to eventually offer 30 colorful hardcover children’s books, each focused on a Christian value, such as gratitude, honesty, obedience, diligence, and patience.
In writing these books, one idea is particularly important to me. As parents, we try to instill God-pleasing behavior in our children, e.g. not to lie or steal. Maybe our child does it wonderfully, but their heart is far from God. That’s why I chose guarding the heart as the central theme of every book. My hope is that readers understand it is not enough to have good character traits, because a sinful heart is still far from God and needs forgiveness over and over. Only with God’s help can we guard our hearts from sin and become truly happy individuals!
With over 20 years of experience working with children, my inspiration for the stories comes from everyday life situations. All stories are presented in a child-friendly manner and are based on true events in my own childhood or in the lives of my children and friends.
I hope that our books will bring a lot of joy and be a blessing to you and the children you care about!
With Love,

Jens-Henrik Hübner
Jens-Henrik is a born-again Christian and lives with his wife Henrike and their two wonderful children in Haltern am See, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. In his childhood, he discovered his passion for drawing and attended a private art school of a well-known artistic couple for over 10 years. He studied visual communication and marketing and started his own business in this field in 2016.
Since then, it has been on his heart to tell his customers about Jesus Christ as part of his job and pass on the good news of the Bible. The illustration of Christian calendars and children’s books continues to be an integral part of his work.

Maria Spieker
Maria grew up in a Christian family in Moscow, Russia. At the age of 18, she and her family moved to Lage, Germany. She is currently studying graphic design in Dortmund. Already as a young girl, she had two wishes: to serve God and draw. Working on illustrations for the Guard Your Heart combines both and therefore fulfills a long-cherished desire of her heart.
Harry and Anita Tiessen
Harry and Anita live with their five children in Sankt Augustin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Music has always been a beautiful part of their family life. They enjoy enriching the Guard Your Heart book series with their songs and thereby deeply anchoring its valuable messages in children’s hearts.
The Martens Family
The seven homeschooled children of the Martens family live with their parents near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Since 2011, this musical family has been using their gifts specifically to tell others about Jesus. To do this, they travel to different places to tell of God’s infinitely great love—through singing, of course.

Madeleine Tiganov
For Madeleine, the eldest daughter in the Martens family, it’s been her heart’s desire since early childhood to live for Jesus and serve Him. In her church she’s involved in music and children’s ministry. She teaches piano, studies music education, and organizes and manages all of the Martens family’s musical projects. Madeleine plays a major role in creating the soundtracks for the Guard Your Heart music videos and recordings.
Evan Martens
Evan Martens is a cinematographer, photographer, and wildlife filmmaker. After graduating from the Tomorrow’s Filmmakers Online Film Academy in 2022, he started a film business and continues to produce films on his YouTube channel called Woodlands of Canada. He is also very grateful to be working on music videos for Guard Your Heart and to further God’s kingdom through film.

Weiss Publishing
WEISS Publishing is a Christian book and music publishing company. Our interactive, lift-the-flap children’s books have practical applications for Bible stories and character traits. They show children how to guard their hearts from evil by pointing them to Jesus for help with every issue of the heart. Each book includes an original theme song composed, recorded, and filmed by WEISS Publishing for the Guard Your Heart book series.